My experience with English language

 Hi everyone, today i´m going to talk about my experience learning the english language.

I think i started to learn English in the first years of school because before that i think i didn´t even know how to approach me to it. In the first years they teach you some basic vocabulary and the well kwon verb "to be", and i think that is one of the easiest thing; besides i think one of the most difficult thing for me it´s writitng, it´s so complicated they have so many grammar rules and some of them make absolutely no sense, jajajaj. 

When i´m out of class i keep practicing by watching series in English with subtitles in Spanish so i can listen to the pronunciation and relate what i´m hearing with what actually it says in Spanish, i think doing this i learn the majority of what i know today, i´m not a native speaker but i can understand almost everything. When i´m in English class I think that the thing I enjoy the most is write the blog because i don´t write outside class so that is the chance to do it and improve and i think i'm really getting better at it.

Personally i think that English is a great tool today and is going to be in the future as well because English people and mainly North America have their culture so expanded worldwide that i believe it's important to learn the language to be able to do certain things that the world is asking for today.

About what aspects of the English culture i found interesting, i personally think that the language is the most interesting thing they have, they have so many weird and nonsense grammar rules and so much slang that i find interesting.


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