A book i recommend

Hi everyone in this blog im going to share a recommendation of a book I read some time ago. I hope you guys take a look at this book and enjoy it like I did when I first read it.

This book is a classic, it's called the art of war by an ancient Chinese military strategist called Sun Tzu. I read this book for the first time like four or five years ago and then read it again a couple years after that. At first I read it because my dad recommended this book, he told me that I'm going to like it and he wasn't wrong. I like this book because it's easy to understand but it has an important message under that first layer that looks superficial, but it doesn't. What do I mean with this?, I mean that initially it looks like it's just a book where a general gives us tactics and strategies to win a war but you can simply notice that those words not only apply to war; you can apply it to your daily life. I think that's the most interesting part about this reading, the fact that these “war tactics” are really life teachings. And I think that the fact that this book is really short helps a lot of people who are not passionate about reading to reach these teachings that really change the way you see your life.


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