
Showing posts from November, 2023

Test Practice

Hi everyone, I hope you´re doing well. Today is a bit different. I'm going to talk about the difficulties that I have during some practices that we do for our final test. this exercices are mainly listenings, we have to listen a conversation and choose the correct answer between some options, in general i don't find this particularly hard but when the conversations are more than 1 minute it starts to be difficult for me to stay focused on what are they saying ( i also have this problem in spanish so it´s not just an english thing jajaj).

Something that i enjoy when im outside

Hi everyone, today i´m going to talk about something that i enjoy when i´m outside. I know probably this is going to sound a bit silly but one of the things i personally enjoy the most is walking, yes, just walk. I always live far from the place where I study so everytime that I went back home after school I have to walk like 20 or 25 min from the bus stop to my home. I made that walk everyday for 3 or 4 years in school and now I do the same on my way back from university. Doing that walk for so long makes me acquire a love for walking. At first obviously I hate it but with time I really appreciate those 20 minutes of just walking with my headphones listening to music and thinking about life while I walk. I think in my case it was like an acquired taste, now i think that walking with your music is one of the best things that we can do in any situation, when your happy or sad or angry, a walk around the city always help you to be alone with your thoughts and clear your mind an ideas, al...

A Chilean Landmark

  Hi everyone, I hope you´re doing great.In today´s blog i'm going to talk about a building I visited a few years ago. The Bahá'í temple in the commune of Peñalolen it's a place made for all those people who need to reconnect with their faith or reflect on life regardless of their ethnicity, origin or religion. I went with my whole family a few years ago, i can´t remember the exact date but what I can remember is that is really hard to reach there jajaa. I live in Renca and I remember that easily was like 2 hours between the road to reach there that was like an hour, and another hour trying to go up because it's basically on a mountain and the day we went that was a mess with all the people trying to go up.  We really enjoyed the visit because it was such a beautiful and calmed place, the architecture on there was really beautiful and you have a beautiful view of the whole city. We made a walk around all the places that we can, in that time it was relatively new so some...